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Buy professional premises 165 m² in Challes-les-Eaux (73190) - 154 000 €

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Professional premises
73190 Challes-les-Eaux

140 000 € AFI
including 10% of the purchasing charge sales price
Ref : 73_0481
165 m²

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Agence immobilière à Challes-les-Eaux


1263 avenue de Chambéry
73190 Challes-les-Eaux

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Professional premises
73190 Challes-les-Eaux

140 000 € AFI
including 10% of the purchasing charge sales price
Ref : 73_0481
165 m²


Agence immobilière à Challes-les-Eaux


1263 avenue de Chambéry
73190 Challes-les-Eaux

More information


Area : 165 m²

Handicap access : No

Selling price excluding fees : 154 000 €
Fees 10 % of the property value excluding fees
Agency fees at the charge of the purchaser

Diagnosis of the energy performance of the property

Waiting for new DPE

Environment & location

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